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October 2004

eminem is still an annoying ass

October 27, 2004   

but he’s finally produced a work i can genuinely respect, as opposed to reluctantly just acknowledge as demonstrating talent, while not liking the actual end-product. Check out the video, read the damn good disseration written by a dailykos contributor, and vote to see it on TRL on MTV. yeah, i know, mtv. heh.

i’m done

October 27, 2004   

eta: after re-reading this post, i think it’s unfair of me to classify the second person as a part-time asshole. i think that just because we don’t mesh well doesn’t mean that this person is a jerk, so i wanted to clarify that.

there is a web forum that i visit on a daily basis that used to be an enjoyable community, but i’m through with it because it doesn’t have anything for me anymore.

it used to have lots of interesting political discourse, but some of the main contributors have left for various reasons. it used to have quirky conversations about goofy topics, but it’s dwindled quite a bit. it used to have one less asshole, but now the new asshole is pretty vocal.

now, they are joking about how seppo’s coworker must be good at giving head. yes, it does seem like she doesn’t qualify for the obvious requirements. but no, it’s no excuse to malign the professional and sexual life of someone on a public forum. and either everyone thinks it’s ok to trash someone’s reputation without their knowledge or ability to defend themselves, or others are too disgusted to comment. either way, it’s not who i want to hang out with. what if, without my knowledge, someone was saying the same about me? how dare they?

eta: i am linking seppo’s post about the job situation here. for the record, i believe seppo expressed himself entirely appropriately and explained why he was frustrated with the situation and the person in question, and that it’s the aforementioned asshole (and one other part-time asshole one other person that often rubs me the wrong way in his ideologies) that jump on just about any situation to perpetually propagate this particular type of misogynistic bs.


October 27, 2004   

i just donated $100 at please, please, america, don’t let me down.