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Another food-tastic day

January 27, 2006   

We got back not too long ago from a tasting at the hotel where we are having the reception. Man, the chef is awesome! Just about everything we had was fantastic: perfectly seasoned and cooked, interesting combinations of flavors, and great visual presentation. The vegetarian option, in particular, was really freaking great, partly because a lot of places sort of don’t put their best into a vegetarian meal, so this was extra impressive.

Seppo’s mom had a chance to look around the venue and get ideas for decoration options. She came up with a great idea for the table decorations, which I really liked, and is tossing around lots of ideas for what to do with the rest.

By sheer coincidence, the cake matches our invitations, which sort of (not reeeeeallly) match the bridesmaids’ dress colors. We didn’t plan it that way, but I guess we are naturally drawn to certain colors.

Tonight, we are hitting Angelfish again for Seppo’s mom’s monthly “thanks for dogsitting” dinner. 🙂

1 Comment
January 30, 2006 at 12:59 pm

Yay! I’m so glad that the food you are being forced to buy ended up not being bad, not being just alright, but being really great.

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