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January 2009

Oakland Tragedy Begets Another Tragedy

January 9, 2009   

Via Becky, here’s a first hand account of things that went down at the Oakland protest over the shooting death of Oscar Grant.

This is just so tragic.

Hit and Run

January 9, 2009   

I need to post about:

  • New annual goals
  • NaNoWriMo
  • Theory about ladeez falling asleep on people’s shoulders
One day, I’ll make time. Hopefully, that time is soon.

Answer to a frequent question I’ve been getting

January 7, 2009   

Made of Happy is a private project and has nothing at all to do with anything like work. I do it on my private time and I do it so that I can have inject some overt and intentional positivity to my day. I do it because it makes me happy, not for any profit.

And sorry I’ve been shamelessly plugging it so much. Heh. It’s just very difficult to contain my enthusiasm for the project. Some days, it is kind of depressingly difficult to find positive stuff, so I end up with news from months ago, but it’s still nice to dig up stories of people being good to one another.

It is a fundamental and abiding belief of mine that people are generally good or have the capacity for good in them. I’ve grown cynical over the years, but I still think people are capable of much generosity and kindness. I hope I haven’t made you gag. :p Heh.

So much backlog

January 6, 2009   

So much happened since 11/4. I have wanted to blog so often about mundane topics, but it never felt right because I couldn’t not blog about such a momentous occasion in favor of speaking about relationships or cute puppies or whatnot.

The last couple of months in brief:

We carved some pumpkins with A&B.

We cried all evening/night when Obama won.

We marched on Sacramento with K&N over the indescribable travesty of Prop 8 passing.

We protested in Oakland.

We celebrated Thanksgiving and birthdays (no pics of friends to protect your privacy).