Category Archives: mobi
So! Important! Not.
Since the elections are coming up, Iraq is going crappily with no real end in sight, and the state of education and health care in America is still what it is, I figured I need to focus on the really important stuff.
Like Madonna’s baby.
More like pressing questions such as the following:
- If you are a part of a couple, when you get invited to things, do you prefer that
- people just funnel the invitations to one person (one designated contact or whomever is the “primary” friend of the inviter); or
- always invite the both of you when both of you are in fact invited?
Personally, I like getting individual invites (or a cc on an email or evite) because I do occasionally invite individuals (not couples) to functions and unless I make it clear that it’s a couples thing, I don’t wanna see your significant other. Plus, I often don’t hear about the event until it’s too late if you only tell Seppo. 😀
- Giving versus getting presents — which do you love more?
I’d rank it as:
- Giving presents when I know I’ve gotten the person a great gift they will love.
- Getting a present.
- Giving a gift without the certainty of knowing if it’s a good gift or not.
- I feel like I now watch about half as much tv as I did as a kid and about twice (or more) as much tv as I did since college. Is it me, or is it that tv shows are actually better? Is posing this question as an either-or scenario inherently asking for wrong answers? How long does it take for rhetorical questions to get annoying? Now? How about now?
- Is loving things like the following picture a sign that I’m becoming a squishy old lady?
Who cares? Soooo cute.
- Do kids actually go around your neighborhood “Trick or Treat”ing? We need to get the one or two kids that come giant bars of chocolate.
- Why it is that when I’m driving, I think of a million insightful, thoughtful things to blog about, but when I have the time and opportunity, it’s almost always fluff like this?
I want to get a cute costume for Mobi, but I’m sure Seppo will object. Come on, he’s a dog! He has no dignity to speak of! 😀