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November 2009


November 30, 2009   

Week 3: Baby started to stay awake and aware longer. He would stare at everything. This is also around when he got baby acne.

Week 4: I think this is probably when he stopped pooping at night.

Week 5: He started to vocalize a lot quite suddenly. He also started to smile in response to external stimuli. He laughs when you poke his cheeks or bop his nose. It’s quite adorable. He’s starting to kick his feet to push up/forward too.

He’s changing so fast!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-29

November 29, 2009   
  • @AngryChad @StephDecker Excellent! I hope it works out. 🙂 in reply to AngryChad #
  • @so_yun LOL! Did you scream too? 😉 in reply to so_yun #
  • Baby has been vocalizing a lot in the last few days. And I swear he's tried to mimic a few of the faces I've Bern making at him! 🙂 #
  • Today, we had two successful outings: brunch at Merritt Bakery w K&N then visiting A&T and their newborn. Fun to get out and about! #
  • RT @selfawaregames: Have friends with a new Palm Pixi? Card Ace just went live on the Pixi! #
  • Damn you, coffee! #
  • Every tiny noise keeps waking me up. I've slept maybe 30 minutes in the last 4 hours. Now I'm stressed about how tired I'll be tomorrow. #
  • Ironically, my sleepless night is about to become the night the baby sleeps 5 straight hours without waking up. Oh, the humanity! #
  • Demolition on front facade of house is hard on the bebeh and dog. Poor little things. #
  • So sad. Baby keeps trying to sleep but getting awoken by the noise. Dang yo. #
  • @so_yun That sounds familiar. I always feel dread when my father calls. We are such strangers. in reply to so_yun #
  • @bcaudill Falconing?! That's pretty insane. And fantastic. 🙂 I hope the weather had turned up. in reply to bcaudill #
  • Been rewatching Survivor season 13. Truly, it was the perfect game. No need for any seasons afterwards. #
  • Yesterday, I noticed that I still have a bit of a ran left over from our Hawaii trip. That was a million years ago. 🙂 #
  • Er, tan. #
  • @patrick_ellis Not as much as I hate it. I almost wrote 'gate' instead of 'hate'. It is trying to defeat me. in reply to patrick_ellis #
  • Baby in sling, gimbop in one hand, iPhone in the other. This is how I roll. 😀 #
  • Google fast flip is pretty neat. #
  • I've just learned that there is a Bollywood version of Fight Club. The mind boggles. #
  • Me and sleeping baby. #
  • Baby likes boops on the nose: #
  • Waiting for Glee o'clock. #
  • Spotted Katee from #sytycd on #glee! Awesome. #
  • Oh. @helava pointed out that New Directions = Nude Erections. #glee #facepalm #
  • Dinner take-out from Taste of Joy's new location did not disappoint. Can't believe how good their rice and beans are. #
  • @hja Aw! I saw the adorable pics! in reply to hja #
  • Artie from #glee was the coroner's assistant on True Blood! #stuffyoureadonwikipediawhileupwithbaby #
  • Ah, sweet, sweet shower. I'm almost human. Baby met a couple more friends today. Now, he's asleep. No snores tonight. Heh. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-22

November 22, 2009   

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Whoa. Kid. Part 1: The Waiting

November 16, 2009   

Our baby (henceforth to be referred to as Burrito) is now 28 days old. Whoa.

So much has happened. I’m filled with so many emotions. I have to start somewhere, so I suppose I’ll start with the days leading up to labor & delivery.

Starting about a week an a couple of days before the due date or thereabouts, I started to have painless contractions that were starting to fall into a pattern. I’d time five hours of 30 second contractions 15 minutes apart until I got bored or had to focus my attention elsewhere, like on eating. 😀

The due date came and went, with nothing major happening, except that the baseline state of pregnancy changed from uncomfortable to fairly painful. I also started to get a little worried about the various complications that could arise from a longer gestation period.

The doctor and the two of us agreed that we want nature to take its course so we’ll just start monitoring things as we waited. We started going in for semiweekly non-stress tests.

A non-stress test is done by strapping two monitors to your belly: one for monitoring the contractions, if any, and another for monitoring the baby’s heartrate and activity level. The “non-stress” part means that the test involves no application of external/artificial stress on the baby. If the mother experiences three or more contractions during the monitoring session, then that is considered a spontaneous stress test. Apparently, there are rare cases when a stress test might be applied, but most regular monitoring such as I was getting wouldn’t involve externally applied stress.

I was scheduled for four visits before we’d talk about induction.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-15

November 15, 2009   
  • Let's see how tonight's experimental babywatching plan works out. It involves earplugs, an eyemask, and me sleeping @ 8pm in the livingroom. #
  • Since last week, the baby has been making some cutesy little noises regularly, as well as one particularly hilarious oinking sound. Hee. #
  • @eingy Hmm, agree with @helava that these diapers seem to result in up-the-back leaks all the time. Time to switch back, I think. in reply to eingy #
  • Actors who play Kurt and Tina break out into impromptu performance of Single Ladies at promo event: #
  • Reading the Palm webOS O'Reilly book that @helava brought home. #
  • @aaa I also enjoy umeshisokyu — the kyu is for cucumber. Such a good palate cleanser. in reply to aaa #
  • @MJ So sorry for the rough night. 🙁 I'm hoping for a great one tonight for you to make up for last night. in reply to MJ #
  • When the baby cries, his face looks like D'X (upside down smiley). Compare with actual photo: #
  • @AngryChad I had the same thought about @aaa's share about iPhone breakups. Heh. in reply to AngryChad #
  • The artichoke plant in the back has revived itself! It's kind of creepy how large it gets on no care, but that's a succulent for you. #
  • Figured out why the Eye-fi was not uploading photos. It's because we changed our wifi router settings so the card couldn't connect. #
  • Just nominated Word Ace for Best Mobile Game #openwebawards #
  • Just nominated Word Ace for Best Facebook Game #openwebawards #
  • I need my google wave account to send me a tweet when I have new activity. #
  • @mwilh Good point! Rather like a grenade. Hate getting poked while cleaning them. in reply to mwilh #
  • @SwanL This is your second caramel & apple tweet and you have made me envious for the second time. Yum! in reply to SwanL #
  • Up for my early shift — which is just going to fade into the day shift. Baby let me sleep in a bit extra which is great. #
  • RT @mwilh: LOL! Ict T wins the internet: RT @FINALLEVEL: Daily Game: "A Nerd talks about it……. A Geek can actually do it." Ice T #
  • Huh. I'll be home alone for the first time today since the time Seppo took my mom to the airport. Baby is behaving, so I'm optimistic. #
  • @so_yun Good! I can't believe how traumatizing of an experience you had and how poorly they treated you. in reply to so_yun #
  • Baby was indeed pretty good today. Got to take one short nap. #
  • @RobZograph Great job! in reply to RobZograph #
  • Our little fatty is 10lbs today. Chubborama! Heh. #
  • Nunchucks! No better way to spend pool cleaning money. I <3 Puck! The writers of #glee are awesome. #
  • Saw a spider on my shirt, freaked out & flung it away, only to have it land on my sleeping kid! Freaked out again, flung it away & killed. #
  • Wow. That was a beautiful, moving, sweet, heartbreaking episode of #Glee. #
  • @aaa Unfortunately, it's going to take a crapload of money. Luckily, our emergency savings exist for just this type of thing. in reply to aaa #
  • @aaa Not worried about him being too big. Actually went to pediatrician yesterday to make sure he was gaining weight. He eats on demand! in reply to aaa #
  • Want to watch Brothers. Wonder when we'll go to a movie again. Will have to talk to friends about babysitters. 🙂 #
  • @bcaudill I called Sillicon Valley Silicone Valley for years. And I don't even know if I spelled either one right. Heh. in reply to bcaudill #
  • @NBB1 Seriously. Finally. in reply to NBB1 #
  • Noticed hot water dispenser was refilled to max level. Thanks @helava! 🙂 #
  • RT @selfawaregames: Word Ace is in the top 10 for Best Mobile Games in the Mashable Open Web Awards: Vote for Word Ace! #
  • Sometimes, when I don't sleep enough, I get cold and shivery. Just me? #
  • Baby let us sleep for 4 hrs then another 2hr 45min with only a quick change and feeding in between. I feel like a new person. #

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Already on to mom & dad

November 9, 2009   

He will not put up with our shenanigans. Note his face after Seppo makes his belly button speak. This was on his 12th day. I think his face looks pretty “grown-up” for under two weeks. WARNING: You can see the stump of the umbilical cord in this, but it is pretty small, not like a dangling cord or anything like that. You may still not want to see it, so I am giving you fair warning.

The longer posts are still coming, but I want to try to get into a habit of posting little bit here and there and not letting the days pass without trying to preserve some of the little moments.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-08

November 8, 2009   
  • @so_yun Sure thing! I have lots of Korean food to share that my mom stocked before leaving this morning. I also have large candy bars. 😉 in reply to so_yun #
  • Change, feed, get baby to sleep, pump, clean pump gear, then baby wants to wake up to be changed and fed again. When can I sleep? #
  • Wrists feel like they are going to splinter into hot, painful shards. #
  • @Ryuhi Congrats! I can't wait to read all about the little guy on tgf!! Heh, gramps. 😉 in reply to Ryuhi #
  • In addition to all her pragmatic, relevant advice, I like that our pediatrician asked which of @helava or I were returning to work first. #
  • I can't believe Senor Mcchompersons already weighs more than 9lbs. :-O #
  • Friend @bcaudill says y'all should sign up for @ribbitmobile (her client) – better than Google Voice! #
  • I have de Quervain' s tendonitis. Yoinks. #
  • Obligatory baby feet pic: #
  • Get Card Ace on the iPhone. Hold 'em you can play on iPhone/Pre/Facebook and with @wordace friends. FREE! #
  • @eisfore I think they come from @helava's genes. 🙂 in reply to eisfore #
  • @NBB1 Arg! I knew I forgot to put something on the TiVo. Oh wait, I think I still have time since I'm west coast. No good though? in reply to NBB1 #
  • Loving Stacy Tookey's choreo on #sytycd. Legacy has won me over with that routine. #
  • Fell behind on pain meds and WHOA BOY, my body is reminding me that I had major surgery. #
  • RT @sarahlafon: Denying gay people the right to marry HURTS. Separate but equal isn't! And in Maine and CA, gay Americans deserve better. #
  • @incidentist What can I do to support the nomination? in reply to incidentist #
  • @bcaudill Ugh! Do they have any place they are referring or are they leaving you high and dry? I hope the rest of the plans stay solid. in reply to bcaudill #
  • If you have a second, please nominate Word Ace for Best Mobile Game here: #openwebawards – thanks! #
  • All the Helavas in the US in one room: #
  • @bcaudill Ugh, tragically disappointing. Earls of Pembroke! *sigh* in reply to bcaudill #
  • Cetaphil, Dreft, and Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo all look and smell identical. I suspect they are. The jig is up! #
  • Hospital bill for me: $50k, for baby: $10k, for antenatal non-stress testing: $5k. Let's see how much insurance covers. #
  • @AngryChad Yeah, who knew how $$ giving birth was. What kind of insurance does @StephDecker have that is so costly? Health care reform now! in reply to AngryChad #
  • @helava But we'd get a signing bonus. 😀 in reply to helava #
  • LOL! Loved the bit. RT @algore: My formidable opponent – Stephen Colbert: #
  • @so_yun How about Friday? I'm free all day! in reply to so_yun #
  • @bcaudill Now I just *know* there must be an interesting story behind that Bart Beanie. in reply to bcaudill #
  • Waiting for my turn at the dentist office. First outing since trip to pediatrician on Monday. Already feeling worn out! #
  • @SwanL The Alphaville song, not Rod Stewart's, I assume? in reply to SwanL #
  • RT @BarackObama: House passes historic reform to provide health care for every American. Congratulating my colleagues on the floor. #
  • Despite its utterly inane name, My Brest Friend has been a lifesaver for the hands. And after feeding, I can just let the baby sleep on it. #

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November 4, 2009   

At some point, when I can find the time, I’ll post about my mom’s visit, my labor, our baby’s birth, our experiences the first few weeks, and my feelings about it all.

For now, I can reach over to my iPhone to tweet some stuff but that is about it.

Visitors are welcome! I’ve found that I’ve enjoyed having people come by. The only caveat is only staying 2 hours or less. Saying that makes me feel like quite an inhospitable hostess but one thing I’ve found is that a long visit means fewer nap opportunities, which means that I may actually have an embarrassing crying jag later in the day, so I might as well just let people know now.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-01

November 1, 2009   
  • Sue Sylvester's kitty cat speech was the best part of a great episode of #glee. #
  • Jin practices ballroom in his sleep. I think he needs to connect with the audience more. 😀 #
  • Baby eats a butt-ton but very, very slowly. I wish he were more like @helava and less like me in this way. #
  • I had said before that @helava was going to be the best dad ever. In reality, he is even better than that. Also, best husband ever.  #
  • Our one-week-old! He looks peaceful here, but he causes a ruckus every hour. Oh the humanity! #
  • Mom: "You have to eat like a cow so you can produce milk like a cow." How dehumanizing. T_T #
  • @eisfore I ate like two store packs of pig's feet over the last two days. 😐 in reply to eisfore #
  • @NBB1 Clearly, he wasn't pushing hard enough. Lazy conductor. in reply to NBB1 #
  • @abeldanger @asherolimb @rachelolimb Happy birthday, Asher! I can't believe you are 2 already! I hope to meet you some day soon. 🙂 #
  • SYTYCD using the Glee cast version of Salt n Pepa's Push It is so brilliant that words can't express it. #
  • @bcaudill Agreed! Can't dance, lose your spot. Tough but the fairest thing you can do. in reply to bcaudill #
  • Ninja baby photo by @helava: #
  • @AngryChad @StephDecker Wow, thanks, you two! That quilt is so awesome! #
  • Can't stop kissing my son. Also, "my son" still sounds absolutely bizarre. #
  • @SwanL After how crappy you've been feeling, you can have whatever you want for breakfast. Hope you are getting better! in reply to SwanL #
  • @Glennia We were so excited to have three little trick-or-treaters! They were excited in return by our full-sized candy bars. in reply to Glennia #
  • @mwilh Where in Texas do you live?My best friend is moving to San Antonio in November and wondered if I knew anyone in the area. #
  • @so_yun We never get more than one or two kids, so we've learned to buy just a couple of large bars rather than lots of fun-sized candy. 🙂 in reply to so_yun #
  • Looking forward to seeing all the awesome costumed pics show up on my friends' photostreams tomorrow. #

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