backwards in time
Seppo sent me a link to his old homepage on the way back machine, so I took a trip down memory lane.
- My first homepage – Warning: it’s awful, but I was maybe 18 or 19 and it was 1994 or 1995.
- My second homepage – Warning: it’s still awful.
- Wayback Machine’s snapshot of my third or fourth website back in 1997 – Still embarrassingly awful, but a much nicer format.
- My own archive of my “blog-before-blogs-existed” culled from the previous.
- Random thoughts from 1998
Don’t hold me accountable for the stuff I wrote then. 😀
By the way, I updated a bunch of links on the right to reflect websites I actually look at. Yes, I am a copycat. Yes, I am always the last to the party. “Hey guys, where are you going? I just got here! Guys?!”
Though “Face-to-Screen” sounds like a move Ryuhi might do… hehe
– Mike
You need to update your list of movies.
When I see “face to screen” I’m reminded of “what did the five fingers say to the face?” So, all in all, I’m deeply offended.
When I see “face to screen” I’m reminded of “what did the five fingers say to the face?” So, all in all, I’m deeply offended.
Excellent. 😀
I should try to update that list. I will probably do it one day, but that day is not today.
Man, I sounds young in my old stuff. Seriously, no one should hold me responsible now for stuff I said then. I spoke out of the butt-uler region too often back then. Plus, look at that page layout! My eyes!
Class of ’94 in the hizouse!
Yes, I just wrote the word “hizouse”. Got a problem with that, biznitch?
It’s pretty crazy how close the layout of my current resume matches the one from your first web page. My resume composition skills are of that of a 19 year old!
I love the organizational format of your links. 🙂
– Mike