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October 19, 2005   

Today has been full of productivity.

  • Contact lens trial. I picked up my trial pair and am pretty happy with them. I have a follow-up in two weeks to see what the deposit rate on the lenses is like and how I feel about them.
  • Dietary supplements. I stopped by the local natural food store and picked up some crazy multivitamins and calcium & magnesium supplements.
  • Cards. I stopped by the local card shop and bought birthday cards for my niece and Seppo’s mom. I also got a card for my friend who is expecting her second baby in February.
  • Invitation inquiry. While I was at the card shop, I asked about wedding invitations and looked at some books to see sample prices. This confirmed that Seppo and I should really do our own invites. I asked a friend of mine who did his own, and he said he’ll lend us his paper cutter. Nice and dangerous. 😀
  • FitDay. Inspired by a friend’s fitness blog, I decided a couple of days ago to track my nutritional intake and exercise at FitDay. After mulling it over for some time, I decided to take the plunge and buy the desktop version. Having paid for something, I am more likely to try to squeeze it for every penny. 🙂
  • Seppo’s Christmas present has arrived! Bwahahaha.

Andre Alforque
October 19, 2005 at 4:42 pm

“Seppo’s Christmas present has arrived!” Shouldn’t be too difficult to hide all that coal. 😉

October 19, 2005 at 4:49 pm

>:( at dre.

October 19, 2005 at 4:50 pm

You definitely don’t want to order one of those craptastic dime a dozen invites that everyone else gets. First, the paper is cheap and second, they’re ugly and unoriginal. Definitely do them yourselves. I will have to take you to the mecca of paper in San Francisco when you get closer to planning your invites. I used to visit the store all the time, even when I wasn’t making invites for friends & family.

October 19, 2005 at 4:56 pm

You definitely don’t want to order one of those craptastic dime a dozen invites that everyone else gets.

If they were a dime a dozen, we’d get them! 😉

October 20, 2005 at 6:49 am

If they were a dime a dozen, we’d get them! 😉

The unabashed stinginess is refreshing! I’m sure Seppo’s tube socks for Christmas were a SMOKIN’ deal. I mean, why else would you send for mail order socks when KMart has perfectly good ones down the street?

October 20, 2005 at 2:35 pm

You’re making the rest of us look bad with all this “productivity”!

What’s next? An 8 hour work day of 100% work an no IMing or anything?

it’ll be all your fault!

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