Best Day Ever*
*Title and concept stolen from kerowack.
Yesterday was a great, great day.
We got up early and went to the Y. I had what I have to guess was a good workout on the elliptical for about 35 minutes, then washed up and headed in to work. I called the salon who worked on my hair last Saturday to get the redness fixed up, found out about insuring the engagement ring, found the address of the county clerk’s office to get our marriage license, and made arrangements for Seppo’s birthday. And all before noon, and while still getting a normal amount of work done!
Then I went to lunch with a friend, then worked some more, until I was pulled aside by the manager who is leading the current project I’m working on. Basically, he wants me to work in his team and also wants me to gradually roll off the things I’m working on, which is EXACTLY what I want and had written up on my yearly review. Woo!
Then I spoke to a couple of coworkers who are working on the same project as me, and the conversations went well, being both illuminating and productive.
My daffodils from my contribution to the ACS arrived in the afternoon, so I put out a little vase of daffodil buds in my cube. 🙂
My drive over to Seppo’s work was pretty fast! No accidents and no noticeable slowdown due to the rain. Strange.
Seppo and I headed over to his parents’ house to pick up the dog on the way home, and his mom had a wedding gift from one of her friends! Woo!
Then we went home to have delicious leftover braised short ribs. I drove by Alan & Becky’s house to drop off a couple of books (A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon and The Duke and I by Julia Quinn) for poor sick Becky. Then I sat down to watch the return of Prison Break.
Evening online-ness told me that one of my cousins won’t be able to make the wedding, which was the sole bummer of the day. But in my dejected websurfing, I hit upon A Truly Awesome Idea ™ for the wedding favors, which Seppo really liked too. Yay!
I hope today will be as good.
I think you have to use your teeth.
Come now, you’re an engineer! You can figure it out, I’m sure.
I am sure it would be possible to have more exclamation points in this entry, but then I’d have to cut off my own hands.
And how do you cut off the second hand once you are done with the first one anyway?