Some confusion
It’s so funny because I was so sure that Seppo’s friends (who are also my friends too, of course!) would be the ones to do this (only because they know me less than the friends I grew up with, not because of any hidden agenda 🙂 ), but my friends from back East (ETA: and Edy!) have all been im-ing/emailing congratulations and asking me how it is to be Mrs. Helava. 😀
I am not Mrs. Helava (that’s my mother-in-law in my mind — hee hee) but still Ms. Choi. 🙂 And not because we didn’t get married! Because we did, and it was truly a wonderful day. We are so, so very happy to be married.
No one’s name changed though — Seppo is also still Mr. Helava. 🙂 Maybe I/we will change something sometime in the future, but not for the moment. I’ll let you know though. 😉 Also, the name-not-changing is not a “big” deal in any way, and neither Seppo nor I are sad/happy/upset/confused/anything about it. 🙂
I thought for a second that you were going to say that *Seppo* was Mrs. Helava! 😀
For those of you who have chosen to keep your names, what’s the plan for if/when you have children?
The children will all be named some variant of a smash-up between both of our names. Ei-po Choilava seems to be the front runner, with Sep-Nyung Helavoi a close second.
It it’s a boy, Bono.
If it’s a girl, Sting.
I think I got the Mrs. title b/c I was the first. Really only one person calls me that.
I think I know who. 😀
We went through that as well. Even my parents screwed it up at first.
Still get letters from my older relatives screwing it up.