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So You Think You Can Review

June 23, 2006   

Before I review the couples, here is someone else’s recap of the Dance of Desperation (tm the crew at TWoP, also known as the “dance for your life” *eyeroll* solos)

This is the routine for both girls and guys. Roll, spin, spin, spin, roll, thrust your arms out forward, fall to the ground, get back up by rolling onto your toes, throw your butt back and your arms way out, pull them back into your chest like you’ve been denied, stumble dramatically across the stage, leap, spin, spin, spin, backflip, fall to the ground and reach out for help, etc, etc… YAWN!


June 26, 2006 at 6:11 pm
June 27, 2006 at 10:21 am
June 29, 2006 at 8:19 am

dude.. i read these and so want to hang out with you on your couch gawking, giggling and analyzing. wait, we’d do that without the tv too. hehe


Becky in Oakland
June 29, 2006 at 2:48 pm

I don’t like Martha and actually don’t find her to be all that talented. And she looks like a man. Seriously, everyone keeps telling her she has these amazing skills and I have yet to see it. Her performance last night was NOTHING. She’s this year’s Destini for me.

Cannot stand Dmitry. I find him arrogant and not at all good looking. I know they’re looking for someone to replace Artem in the “hot ballroom guy” niche but he is not that guy.

I think Musa and Natalie are totally hitting it.

Becky in Oakland
June 29, 2006 at 2:52 pm

Oh, and I love Benji. I think he has a total crush on Donyelle though and she’s not feeling it back.

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