I am taking next week off work! I just filed my PTO papers. As we have both the 3rd and the 4th off, I only had to file for 3 days of PTO in order to get 9 consecutive days off!
I can’t wait!
mmm… pie.
My back tensed up just reading that entry of stuff Seppo did on just one day of his time off. 😀
I think on the first day off by myself, I am going to try to get a bunch of backlogged things done, so that I can enjoy the bulk of my time off guilt-free. 🙂
Can I have some pie, too?
9 days! And you aren’t even going to leave town. Pie for everyone!
I had no idea everyone loved pie so much. 😀
Never underestimate the power of pi.
I’m sure Seppo will be looking for you to return the favor… “Get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and MAKE ME SOME PIE!” /EC.