Man, I’ve been busy. I had a milestone deadline on Monday, so I had been working like a dog for the last few weeks. I hadn’t realized that it was actually stressing me out until last Friday night, when Seppo surprised me with a copy of this:
It came in a jacket! Is there anything cuter? This is not a rhetorical question!
Ok, maybe these guys:
Via CuteOverload, of course.
I’m not here to argue with you. Anyway, the point is this: Seppo knows how much I love Grease. I love Grease! I squeal when the songs come on. I sing along, tunelessly yet enthusiastically. It’s one of my many charms.
Eager to take a break after my fifth 12+ hour workday [side note: Wow, that sounds so wimpy — I used to be able to do 14 hr workdays with my eyes closed. Oh wait, maybe I was sleeping.] I popped the DVD in to see what awesome goodness this new release of Grease was going to bring me.
When I played the first singalong (words appear karaoke-esque on the screen while the musical numbers play), I got really giddy and couldn’t stop giggling. Pretty soon, I had tears streaming down my face, but it wasn’t really that I was laughing so hard. I was so physically relieved from my constant stress by the act of laughing that I cried.
Yeah, it was really confusing. So yeah, I figured out I was stressed. LOL.
Since passing the milestone, it’s been much better. I work really well under a medium to high amount of stress. Under zero stress, I get a bit lazy. Under way too much stress, I apparently work insane hours then cry while singing along to John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John singing “Summer Nights”. That final falsetto is killer. I laugh every single time. Hey, but I get things done. I don’t think I’ve ever missed a work deadline.
Anyway, Seppo is really awesome when I’m under tons of pressure. He solves the dinner problem for us everyday, makes me feel really cared for, and brings me silly gifts to lighten my mood.
Thanks Seppo. 🙂
Oh! You’re welcome. 🙂
Oh my god… the video is digusting! So much violence! And cannibalism! And poop smears!!! Won’t somebody think of the children?!
/cutest. thing. evar.
I don’t know if you watched it all the way to the end, but there is a tiny bark at the end. Adorable!
In the initial screenshot they looked like chicken leg/thigh pieces. I was really worried about how this was going to result in anything cute.
Puppies are waaaay better.
Cutest thing ever! (pick whichever cute thing you posted about for that to apply to)
I know what you mean about not realizing how stressed out you are. I feel like now, at 30, I’m finally able to see some of the effects pushing myself can have. I now realize that I’m cranky when I’m tired. I can admit that I’m less effective if I don’t sleep enough. I will concede that I eat massive amounts of refined sugar when under pressure.
I am so glad that you are out from under the gun, that you got it all done, and that Seppo was there to help. Yay!