Changes everywhere
We got our drywall done. And no, we would not recommend our contractor. We’ve been priming and painting, with Seppo picking up the heroic portion of the load, what with my general tiredness, back aches, and legs & feet that swell if I stand too long. We’ve also picked the most bold choices we’ve ever chosen in our lives for the walls, which basically means that we just stole the colors from our friends with better taste. When you see the colors, you’ll know who you are.
We hired on a company to do repairs to the floor and refinish the surface. They will start next Wednesday. I think more than the walls no longer falling down, the changes to the floor will make the biggest difference in how we perceive the house.
We also now employ someone who will come to maintain the yard on a regular basis, rather than on a call-by-call basis. Better to automate all this now, before the Big Life Change.
The other potential thing that might happen is the upstairs bathroom renovation. Our friends who live up in Walnut Creek (whom I just found out are also having a baby, due only two weeks after us!) are getting their kitchen renovated this month, and it’s supposed to take one week. One week! If they like their contractor, and if they stay within the time & budget limits, I think we’d think about hiring them for our bathroom.
Work is hard but rewarding. I’m getting happier and happier with our product every time I hit a milestone. I am tired though, because I feel like I’m trying really hard not to let my fatigue show at work, and not let anyone think I am falling short or not pulling my weight due to being pregnant. I’ve been doing really well so far, but the thought stresses me out. And I end up so tired that I don’t pull my ever-increasing weight at home, which pulls me further into a stress-guilt cycle. Bleh.
Other than the tiredness and aches, everything is going well.
Your home renovations sound fun and exciting!
I can promise you that you'll never regret taking care of your baby. Working less + sleeping more + ice cream = happy baby :).