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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-08

November 8, 2009   
  • @so_yun Sure thing! I have lots of Korean food to share that my mom stocked before leaving this morning. I also have large candy bars. 😉 in reply to so_yun #
  • Change, feed, get baby to sleep, pump, clean pump gear, then baby wants to wake up to be changed and fed again. When can I sleep? #
  • Wrists feel like they are going to splinter into hot, painful shards. #
  • @Ryuhi Congrats! I can't wait to read all about the little guy on tgf!! Heh, gramps. 😉 in reply to Ryuhi #
  • In addition to all her pragmatic, relevant advice, I like that our pediatrician asked which of @helava or I were returning to work first. #
  • I can't believe Senor Mcchompersons already weighs more than 9lbs. :-O #
  • Friend @bcaudill says y'all should sign up for @ribbitmobile (her client) – better than Google Voice! #
  • I have de Quervain' s tendonitis. Yoinks. #
  • Obligatory baby feet pic: #
  • Get Card Ace on the iPhone. Hold 'em you can play on iPhone/Pre/Facebook and with @wordace friends. FREE! #
  • @eisfore I think they come from @helava's genes. 🙂 in reply to eisfore #
  • @NBB1 Arg! I knew I forgot to put something on the TiVo. Oh wait, I think I still have time since I'm west coast. No good though? in reply to NBB1 #
  • Loving Stacy Tookey's choreo on #sytycd. Legacy has won me over with that routine. #
  • Fell behind on pain meds and WHOA BOY, my body is reminding me that I had major surgery. #
  • RT @sarahlafon: Denying gay people the right to marry HURTS. Separate but equal isn't! And in Maine and CA, gay Americans deserve better. #
  • @incidentist What can I do to support the nomination? in reply to incidentist #
  • @bcaudill Ugh! Do they have any place they are referring or are they leaving you high and dry? I hope the rest of the plans stay solid. in reply to bcaudill #
  • If you have a second, please nominate Word Ace for Best Mobile Game here: #openwebawards – thanks! #
  • All the Helavas in the US in one room: #
  • @bcaudill Ugh, tragically disappointing. Earls of Pembroke! *sigh* in reply to bcaudill #
  • Cetaphil, Dreft, and Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo all look and smell identical. I suspect they are. The jig is up! #
  • Hospital bill for me: $50k, for baby: $10k, for antenatal non-stress testing: $5k. Let's see how much insurance covers. #
  • @AngryChad Yeah, who knew how $$ giving birth was. What kind of insurance does @StephDecker have that is so costly? Health care reform now! in reply to AngryChad #
  • @helava But we'd get a signing bonus. 😀 in reply to helava #
  • LOL! Loved the bit. RT @algore: My formidable opponent – Stephen Colbert: #
  • @so_yun How about Friday? I'm free all day! in reply to so_yun #
  • @bcaudill Now I just *know* there must be an interesting story behind that Bart Beanie. in reply to bcaudill #
  • Waiting for my turn at the dentist office. First outing since trip to pediatrician on Monday. Already feeling worn out! #
  • @SwanL The Alphaville song, not Rod Stewart's, I assume? in reply to SwanL #
  • RT @BarackObama: House passes historic reform to provide health care for every American. Congratulating my colleagues on the floor. #
  • Despite its utterly inane name, My Brest Friend has been a lifesaver for the hands. And after feeding, I can just let the baby sleep on it. #

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