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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-29

November 29, 2009   
  • @AngryChad @StephDecker Excellent! I hope it works out. 🙂 in reply to AngryChad #
  • @so_yun LOL! Did you scream too? 😉 in reply to so_yun #
  • Baby has been vocalizing a lot in the last few days. And I swear he's tried to mimic a few of the faces I've Bern making at him! 🙂 #
  • Today, we had two successful outings: brunch at Merritt Bakery w K&N then visiting A&T and their newborn. Fun to get out and about! #
  • RT @selfawaregames: Have friends with a new Palm Pixi? Card Ace just went live on the Pixi! #
  • Damn you, coffee! #
  • Every tiny noise keeps waking me up. I've slept maybe 30 minutes in the last 4 hours. Now I'm stressed about how tired I'll be tomorrow. #
  • Ironically, my sleepless night is about to become the night the baby sleeps 5 straight hours without waking up. Oh, the humanity! #
  • Demolition on front facade of house is hard on the bebeh and dog. Poor little things. #
  • So sad. Baby keeps trying to sleep but getting awoken by the noise. Dang yo. #
  • @so_yun That sounds familiar. I always feel dread when my father calls. We are such strangers. in reply to so_yun #
  • @bcaudill Falconing?! That's pretty insane. And fantastic. 🙂 I hope the weather had turned up. in reply to bcaudill #
  • Been rewatching Survivor season 13. Truly, it was the perfect game. No need for any seasons afterwards. #
  • Yesterday, I noticed that I still have a bit of a ran left over from our Hawaii trip. That was a million years ago. 🙂 #
  • Er, tan. #
  • @patrick_ellis Not as much as I hate it. I almost wrote 'gate' instead of 'hate'. It is trying to defeat me. in reply to patrick_ellis #
  • Baby in sling, gimbop in one hand, iPhone in the other. This is how I roll. 😀 #
  • Google fast flip is pretty neat. #
  • I've just learned that there is a Bollywood version of Fight Club. The mind boggles. #
  • Me and sleeping baby. #
  • Baby likes boops on the nose: #
  • Waiting for Glee o'clock. #
  • Spotted Katee from #sytycd on #glee! Awesome. #
  • Oh. @helava pointed out that New Directions = Nude Erections. #glee #facepalm #
  • Dinner take-out from Taste of Joy's new location did not disappoint. Can't believe how good their rice and beans are. #
  • @hja Aw! I saw the adorable pics! in reply to hja #
  • Artie from #glee was the coroner's assistant on True Blood! #stuffyoureadonwikipediawhileupwithbaby #
  • Ah, sweet, sweet shower. I'm almost human. Baby met a couple more friends today. Now, he's asleep. No snores tonight. Heh. #

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