Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-11
July 11, 2010
- I checked in at Talk of Broadway (2096 Broadway St) on #Yelp #
- @NBB1 It's your twitter account; I say just go for it on this one. in reply to NBB1 #
- @AngryChad I don't understand. He was the best Bond in decades. Didn't it make enough money? in reply to AngryChad #
- @sidewalksays Forgot to wish you a happy birthday! I hope it was a great one! in reply to sidewalksays #
- @patrick_ellis Card Ace: Blackjack now supports Android 1.6 so it should be visible in the market now. #
- @bcaudill I had the same thought. They seemed disappointed. in reply to bcaudill #
- Thinking about getting a magic straight perm again. Loved it when I got before. Hair was like a silk, shiny curtain without blowdrying. #
- @AngryChad You should demand satisfaction in the form of a duel. in reply to AngryChad #
- Baby has all sorts of toys, but today, he chose to play with a kitchen towel and a piece of junk mail. Heh. #
- Happy 12 years and 4 months to @helava, who took an unconscienably large bite of my beanfish, which is an ice cream and not an euphemism. #
- Just watched Memento again with @helava and little bro. The bro's reaction: ??!?!!!!? #
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