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January 2006


January 3, 2006   

Another new year, another set of resolutions.

Last year, Seppo and I came through on setting a date for the wedding and starting the planning. I lost some weight. I wrote my second NaNoWriMo novel.

This year, I’d like to do the following:

  • Health:
    1. Finish my weight loss goal and ensure that there is a corresponding body fat percentage loss. Continue to grow more aware of the nutritional value of the food I intake. Try to eat only things I enjoy instead of cramming my gullet with general crap out of habit.
    2. Work up to do a 5K run for my birthday? I want to evaluate my current running capability before committing to this. I suppose if I am really unable to run it, I could just walk it but it would make me feel really wussy. Haha.
  • Work:
    1. Figure out what I want to do with my long term career. Vague, but it would be good for me to stare at this goal everyday.
  • Relationships:
    1. Call my mom every week and don’t be a snot when I’m on the phone with her.
    2. Go see my family at least twice a year, once they are all in the same place. I should really get it through my head that short trips are ok if it means that I can see them more often.
    3. Email and call old friends regularly.
    4. See local friends more regularly.
    5. Really live out the idea that each action and each word can be a supporting brick in the foundation of my relationships, or it can be a separating brick in the wall between me and the people I love. Add to the foundation.
    6. Take Mobi to more fun places and think of rainy-day activities for him to do.
    7. Finish planning and get married. Haha.
  • Home:
    1. Learn habits to decrease clutter.
    2. Learn habits to keep clutter out.
  • Self-improvement and time management:
    1. Learn one new major skill.
    2. Limit tv to one hour max per weekday. If someone else starts watching tv that I wasn’t going to watch, go do something else.
    3. Limit tv to three hours max over the weekend.
    4. Limit book buying to maximum of one per three owned-but-not-yet-read book I finish.
    5. Write a little blurb about each book and movie I watch.
    6. No more dvds this year.
    7. Unless I am instant messaging with my sister in Korea, no personal computer time after 8:30pm (except quick forays to look up map/movie/etc info).