i am free as a bird
i soar through the skies, feeling the wind blow past my cheeks, gently ruffling the ends of my hair. the air lifts me up, making me feel weightless, careless. my body is a feather, not a care in the world.
all these clichés are presented to you in order to express my happiness at having my last day at work. 🙂 monday, i go back to the office in order to have my exit interview. i will probably go back again after that to turn in my laptop and clear stuff off my old computer.
i’m feeling pretty dang good.
today, seppo’s parents, seppo, and i went to angelfish again. we went last saturday with them since seppo’s dad was in town, and we all liked it quite a bit. here is a review from epinions. i tried monkfish for the second time ever. the first time, in a different restaurant in the city (possible deep blue?), i had a teeny piece about the size of a pea and didn’t get a real feel for the taste. today, i had two giant pieces. it was incredibly creamy, without any sort of lingering unctuousness. and i find that i am a big fan of hamachi. this is quite a shocker for someone who, until moving to CA, hadn’t eaten fish (barring tuna) in a good ten years, due to some adolescent trauma involving one too many fishing trips. heh.