i have shamefully mismanaged my “time off” between jobs. i should have been so completely through with CP, even down to the administrative details, such that I was done two fridays ago. instead, i worked until wednesday morning of last week, then spent thursday getting ready to fly out to a wedding (it was so beautiful and personal, i cannot even describe how intimate and right it felt), from which i returned on sunday night. i went in to the office on monday for my exit interview and ended up having lunch with a coworker. tuesday, i went in again to have lunch and clean out my desk, as well as transfer files that i wanted to keep from my desktop. wednesday, i went back to drop off my laptop and have yet another lunch with the same coworker, because i stupidly had not done so before, which i should really have. transferring all the files that i wanted to keep from the laptop took a good 5 hours. i stayed at “work” late, until about 9pm. i’m so dumb. yesterday was my first real day of rest, which went pretty well. but now, i have a head cold. heh. way to go on enjoying the last few days before the new job! i better get lots of rest and grocery shopping done over the weekend, so we’ll have something to eat.