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October 2004

observations in e minor

October 4, 2004   
  1. i used to wonder how anyone could stand people with really shrill voices, how they could eventually find a life-mate. then i realized that there are totally tone-deaf people who are completely unothered by the sound, perhaps even enjoy it.
  2. i think that i don’t entirely understand modern art, but i’ve come to my own revelation on what it means to people and why they create it. i compare it to my past inability to completely understand why the concept of visual perspective took so long to enter the art world. it seemed to me an obvious concept that things look smaller when they are further away and bigger when they are up close, and that this is a better 2D representation of reality than drawing everything to scale, or everything with right angles. but that’s the thing with perspective: it’s not an accurate representation of reality (that box isn’t really supposed to be smaller in the back and things aren’t to scale), but reality as we perceive it from where we stand. and so it goes with modern art: the abstract works can, at times, better represent certain thoughts/states/emotions/concepts/realities than our concept of classical art styles by showing us what we see rather than what we see. i may not really understand the individual pieces, but having this bit of insight helps me appreciate the field of modern art better.
  3. both jokes and advice are only welcome when they are not obvious. a lot of people say really obvious things and guffaw without any tinge of irony or self-deprecation, as though those things were genuinely witty or clever. i think with the appropriate amount of irony, any obvious thing can be made funny again, but it takes awareness of the obviousness to get there. if that awareness is not there, it’s better not to say whatever you think i that clever. but then again, how will you know that it’s not funny if you don’t have the awareness in the first place? in a similar vein, it’s best to hold back advice if you think it’s obvious. of course, there is the off-chance that being so close to the situation, the recepient of the advice may not have been able to see the obvious path, but this will depend on the situation and your knowledge of the person.
  4. i just got my car oil changed at jiffy lube. it was really fast and people were really nice. it was a positive experience. i was stunned at the speed with which they pulled up my car records — the screen had my info before i had a chance to get out of the car. if only doctors’ offices were this fast.

dc wedding

October 4, 2004   

Edward and Jeanne got married on saturday, october 2nd, 2004. the wedding started at 1pm and the reception started at 3pm and went on until about 10 pm. Kevin gave a speech as the best man, causing almost everyone to start crying when he spoke from the heart about how long he and Edward had been friends and all the things they had been through growing up. the parents of the couple were so cute. they were all obviously very moved. kevin proved to be an exceedingly good host.

i really liked their wedding. i’ve really liked the last few weddings i’ve been to. being in love and planning to marry, i see the wedding couples in a different light than i used to. it’s not like i didn’t get it before; i did. but there is a subtle layer of poignancy that was lost on me before. either that, or i’m becoming even bigger of a sap in my old age. 😉

we saw a part of DC on friday, the part that tourists see and marvel at. indeed i too marvelled at the sights. the lincoln memorial is every bit as enchanting as they say. reading his words made me feel a new hope for the country and sort of an honor to be a part of the country that he helped to build, as well as a note of bitterness that both Lincoln and W can hold the title of president. it was a jarring comparison, to be sure.

the weather was stunningly beautiful — foggy mornings and evenings, bright sunshine during the day with gentle breezes, lush trees all around. it was a joy to be there. my impression of the city is that i like it and would like to spend more time there.

the one ugly moment in the weekend was witnessing a couple engage physically in a fight near the end of the reception. that, too, was a jarring comparison with the wedded couple and the other people basking in the reflected glow of love. i don’t know how they can witness a love like E & J’s without realizing that their own abusive, hurtful relationship is not one that is driven by love and trust. they need to get their heads out of their rear ends. it’s dark there.

seppo looks exceedingly handsome in his suit. 🙂