i am buying some books. here they are: to sir phillip, with love by my new favorite romance novelist Julia Quinn, lonely planet paris, and lonely planet london. the other day, i cleared out barnes and noble’s inventory of Julia Quinn books. someone called her the modern Jane Austen, and while i can’t quite agree with the assessment, i can’t quite bring myself to disagree with it either. the situations the characters find themselves in are quite proper on the face of it, yet each scene is imbued with the subtle sly wit for which Jane Austen is known. the more astute reader is rewarded for paying attention because the funny lines are funnier when the subtext is understood. i’d like to flatter myself to think that i’m one of the astute readers. the other two books are to plan for our honeymoon (or some other future trip if we go elsewhere for the big HM).
PARIS! PARIS! PARIS! London is supposed to be nice, but REALLY expensive, not that Paris is cheap, but so much cooler.