adage in action
i did not cry over it, but i spilled milk at work today. it was a spectacular display of copious amounts of liquid in motion. the graceful arc it made as it flew through the air nearly brought a tear to my eyes as i stood there, coffee cup sitting next to me, hands still shaking a milk jug that was no longer there.
ok, so i just cracked up.
two evenings from now, i shall embark on a month-long journey into bad prose. my bad prose. a couple of things:
- most likely, i will not let anyone read anything until i am done writing, and possibly not until i am done editing.
- i will not allow myself to do any real editing as i write. the analogy is to running a marathon: just because you think you could have run a part of it faster, it doesn’t mean you should go back and run it again. just focus on what is ahead.
- as such, if i do let anyone read any portions, it will not be for constructive criticism, only showers of encouragement to get me through the finish line. remember, quantity, not quality! 🙂 afterwards, i will be open for plenty of constructive criticism.
- i may be a bad friend this month. please forgive me. i will make it up to you, i swear.
my sister is coming to the US to visit our mom & brothers in atlanta on december 2nd. she’s going to stop by on the way back to korea, from january 13th to 18th. yay! i will get to see her and my two nieces again. seppo will be meeting the little one for the first time. i have to make sure mobi is not going to eat my sister’s young.