bay wolf
we went to bay wolf last night for dinner. we were seated promptly, treated courteously, and had a very tasty meal. we had a duck liver flan appetizer that was extremely silky and airy, followed by pork loin for seppo and more duck for me. the duck was indeed delicious, as i had read it would be. for dessert, seppo had a persimmon pudding and i had a chocolate souffle cake and a small pot of earl grey. the consistency of the cake was amazingly similar to the duck liver flan, very airy and smooth. seppo commented that the cake was exactly like the alton brownies that i make. heh. all in all, a great meal for a very good/reasonable price, although i think i was expecting to be more awed. i think i would like to go back during a different season, maybe in the summer when the veggies and fruits are drastically different from those that are in season right now.
i spent a little time last night starting the nanowrimo onemola (one month late) last night, after midnight. i am up to 472 words. i’ll need to have three more bursts of writing today. i’ll squeeze one in during lunch.
some of seppo’s presents shipped! yay. now i will proceed to torture him for almost a month.
update: i snuck in a 15 minute writing session, and am now up to 892 words. yay.
update #2: after lunch break, 1400 words.
did i say 1400? i meant 1594. woo!
I don’t actually know. It’s someone else’s site. It was linked from the message boards at NaNoWriMo — apparently, one of the participants is responsible for the site — so I am using it for my online progress chart. 😀
How many iPods did the meal cost?
Ha! We are so not in the running in that contest. 😀 I reworded the log entry to better reflect that the price was really reasonable. It didn’t even come close to one iPod. 😀 We also don’t drink alcohol. I think that would have easily doubled the price, from what I saw on the menu.
holy crap, you’re writing up a storm! Don’t get caught at work!
Yeah! I know I hate when I get caught working.
You have a lot more forward momentum than I did. Congrats!
What is this caffeinatedbliss site?