the end
Final word count: 50,231
Total hours spent writing: 40.75
Average words written per day: 1860
Average hours writing per day: 1.51
Average words per hour: 1232
Average words written per day (minus the 0 days): 2283
Average hours writing per day (minus the 0 days): 1.85
Yay! I made up a pretty fake-assed ending, but it didn’t turn out too bad. Now that I’m done with my first draft, I might work on making the story actually work (put scenes in correct sequence, deal with plot holes, fix grammatical screw-ups, and — duh — write better prose for a lot of the place-holders) OR I might work on the sequel. I think I can wait for the sequel until next year’s NaNoWriMo.
Now to pop the sparkling apple cider cork! Heh. Doesn’t sound nearly as exciting as a bottle of champagne, now does it?
It was so much fun! I highly recommend it. 😀
congratulations!!! well done! 🙂