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midweek update

April 5, 2005   

I’ve been working pretty hard these past weeks. I really love my job. I know I’ve gushed about it before. But there is not a day when I go into work when I think to myself, “Gee, I wish I worked somewhere else.” Well, except for a day a few weeks ago when I saw a series of photos that someone took of their tour to Pixar. Heh. I really enjoy working with the people we have. I think we have a fantastic group. I really enjoy using our product. I enjoy the constant learning and introduction of new hardware.

Speaking of fantastic groups and enjoyable workplaces, I have spoken to several people from my Supernews/remarQ days recently. I really miss working with them. They were the first people I met out in California, and they were like family. We saw each other day in, day out. We stayed at the office long after all our work was done. Almost everyone was single, and had no one to go home to in the evening, so we ate dinner together, watched movies together, and generally bonded together. The family atmosphere really helped when we were working together. I think back on those times, and half-wish we could go back to those days. But now, we have people to go home to, for the most part, and have different groups of friends, and things are good in a different way. I think I should become more proactive about seeking them out though. I had lunch with Linda last week, and it was really, really great. Next week, I am going to have dinner with Lim, Alan, and Gene. Woo! I can’t wait. I told Lim to remember to ask Ashlee. OH! I will see if Edy is free. I will have to remember to ask him. I hope I don’t forget. My mind has been on the fritz lately.

Lots of birthdays are coming up. My mom’s is next week, and my niece’s is 10 days after that. Then two weeks after that is my little bro’s b-day. Then mother’s day! Eek!

I am so late on this boat, but I have been reading Wil Wheaton’s blog lately. Stand By Me was my favorite movie to come out of the 80s, and is probably in my top three movies of all time (though I’d be hard pressed to tell you what the other two are, if you were to ask), so it has been fascinating to look into his personal blog and discover that he’s like a lot of people I know. Weird.

I bought these shoes in black:

They are called “Macroscopic” and I don’t know why. It’s weird that shoes are named in this fashion. I saw another pair of shoes called “Microphone”, which I thought was funny, since they totally look like shoes your hold to your mouth as you sing into the mirror. It weirds me out when bras are named. I don’t want to wear a “Melissa” or anything, frankly.

I love Seppo very, very, very much.

April 6, 2005 at 3:42 pm

I like how the brown version of the shoe is stepping on the orange version.

April 6, 2005 at 7:14 pm

I approve of the shoes :), but will point out that brown would have been a more versitile color.

April 6, 2005 at 7:18 pm

Heh. I in fact tried to get brown, but they didn’t have brown in size 5.5. Boo! So I settled for the black. 😀

April 8, 2005 at 8:34 pm

My simple mind cannot accept such sincerity. Must.have.snark.

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