mid-year goals
- Get back to physical status of last year before starting the new job, which has proven to be more sedentary and snack-filled.
- Brush up on sad state of French knowledge so as not to totally humiliate myself next year when we will get to go to Europe.
- Go to sleep earlier.
- Become neater. Start with desk-spaces, and expand to clothing and books.
- Start planning wedding in earnest.
I think the biggest obstacles for me have always been when:
- I get busy at work.
- I get sick.
- I get pissed off because my efforts are not bearing fruit at the rate I want them to.
- I get lazy. But this is really an extension of the above, because when I see results, I feel good and don’t tend to slack. But when I don’t see results, I fall into the “screw it all” mindset.
The wedding thing is a big problem because neither Seppo nor I have any real clue where to start. We actually have some friends we can trust who have a fair amount of knowledge about weddings (shoutout to Becky! heh), but I am sort of afraid to ask for real details because I’m afraid I’ll find out just how scary a workload it will involve to get hitched, and stress about it because there is so much going on at work too. It seems — and I know this is severely naive of me — that it shouldn’t take much to have a decent, small, wedding. But I already know this is wrong. I know just enough to know how ignorant I am. 😀
It seems — and I know this is severely naive of me — that it shouldn’t take much to have a decent, small, wedding. But I already know this is wrong. I know just enough to know how ignorant I am.
Tee hee! A small wedding can definitely be done in the Bay Area and doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. If you give me an idea of the type of things you’re looking for in a wedding, I can give you guys some good starting points. It doesn’t hurt that I have a number of friends/acquaintances in the industry who can also provide insight.