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June 2005

day off

June 1, 2005   

I took the day off today, just to recover from yesterday’s marathon puking. I ate a bunch of porridge, browsed a bunch of websites, and, uh, I… tried on my wedding dress, wondering if this meant I was on the slippery slope to bridezilla-dom. I think not yet. Hopefully, this will not come to pass. I only got sick once today, but I think it was because I kept trying not to get sick and kept thinking about getting sick at work, and the fact that rice porridge looks semi-digested, despite being delicious. Oh! Seppo’s mom came by yesterday upon hearing that I was sick to bring over green tea and ume to help with the upset stomach. It was so sweet that it almost made me cry. But maybe because I was weakened by the illness and not because I’m a big baby that cries at the drop of a hat. No wait, that sounds about right. But it was really sweet of her. I wonder if I should write her a thank you note.

I watched the TiVoed premier episode of Hell’s Kitchen, a reality tv show based around getting bossed around by Gordon Ramsay and surviving to the end in order to get to run your own restaurant. And you know, it wasn’t half bad. I wish they would focus more on the craft of cooking, but the peek into the kitchen of a restaurant — as staged as it must be for the show — is pretty cool. The website seems to give out the recipe for a different signature dish every week. Awesome.

My friend is in town! I got a call from another friend in Philly telling me that I should call her, as she is stuck at the airport without a ride. Hahaha. She eventually met up with her ride, but I gave her hell for not telling me when she was gonna be in town.

I have yet to take a picture for the latest flickr challenge, which topic is “speed”. I don’t have any good ideas for it. It occurs to me that trying to get a pic of a druggie shooting up (or whatever it is you do with speed) would be somewhat difficult to obtain.