luncha muncha
The last few weeks, on days when I can’t pack a lunch, I’ve been hitting the grocery store near Seppo’s work before heading down to my work. I’ve been picking up supplies for salads, sandwiches, fruit, soup, and the occasional microwave meal. It’s so much better than the food I can buy for lunch, and I can eat how much I want (or don’t want) without worrying that I am wasting food. And it’s much cheaper. And frankly, much tastier. It’s one of the best things I’m doing for myself on a daily basis.
Now if only I could get into the habit of exercising. I am going to try the tips in the article Installing a new habit and breaking an old one. It sounds reasonable.
Sometimes Flickr hiccups, which causes the photo bar and everything under it to not render. Boo.
The only gym advice I have is either force yourself to do it until you miss it or don’t start until you’re ready to do that.
Go to the gym every chance you get until you feel guilty for missing a day.
Not that being seppo’s other half doesn’t take up a large portion of your time…..
Seppo’s other half? You must mean his fake second alias/account.
Totally off topic, but your blog’s design is probably the easiest to navigate, and therefore the best, of the ones I’ve seen. Clean lines, nice color contrast and fonts, and everything is in a logical place.
I’m going to steal your layout!!1!
That’s funny: just last night, I was thinking that I wanted to try out a new layout. 😀
Does the main color theme look bluish to you or greenish? Or somewhere in between? I’m weirded out by how big of a difference my work and home computer monitors have on how the website looks.
“Does the main color theme look bluish to you or greenish?”
Not greenish. Green.
1. Yay for your good food habits!
2. Ditto kero on the gym.
3. Green, all the way.
where’d your sidebar go?