recap: philly
July 5, 2005
I took some notes on the treo while in philly, so here they are ’cause, you know, you care so much. :p Like my recounting of my trip to Korea, it’s all (ok, mostly) about the food.
Sat 6/25
- Ate hoagie from Sarcone’s after nap at Hajeong’s.
- Drank Cream soda from Panera Bakery while killing time with Uyen and Charles between wedding and reception.
- Ate Rita’s water ice while doing same.
- Took an obscene pic while doing the same.
- Ate ten (I think) course Chinese banquet for Chau’s reception, where I took lots of pics.
Sun 6/26
- Had lunch at the Royal Tavern with Hajeong, Seppo, and Deanna. Delicious Brioche French Toast.
- Went to some sort of culinary street fair where Paul Green’s School of Rock played.
- Took a nap.
- Went to Morimoto with Seppo, Hajeong, and Steve.
Reviews are on the foodblog: Seppo’s review and my review.
Mon 6/27
- Lunch at Continental Mid-town with Ryejin, Jung, Mii Ae, Hajeong, and Seppo.
Had some good fusion food. Yeah, I know.
- Took yet another nap! I love vacation.
- Ate Korean food at a place called Porky and Porkie with H & S.
- Went bowling in Jersey with Hajeong, Seppo, and Mii Ae. You know, those south jersey kids…
Tues 6/28
- Ate bacon, pork roll, and eggs courtesy of Chef Hajeong.
- Ate cheesesteaks and cheesefries at Pat’s.
- Picked up some pastries from Isgro (Italian bakery). Crap! I just remembered that I didn’t get to eat my biscotti!
- Burger king at airport for dinner.