Last Saturday, Seppo and I went to Becky and Alan’s house for a Halloween party. We were vastly entertained by the hosts, the guests, the food, and the pumpkins. Of the pumpkins, the most noteable was the “BOO” pumpkin that B & A carved, mostly because it was so fun to tease them about what the “300” referred to. 🙂
The costumes:
- Seppo and me: The men with “hands of blue” from Firefly.
- Becky and Alan: Bellatrix and Harry Potter.
- Uyen and Charles: Flighter Pilot Uyen and Cowboy Charles.
- Steve and Stiliana: Pirate Steve and Gypsy Stiliana.
- Steve’s friend Mike: Lab Dude Steve.
- Alexia and Joe E.: Abused Wife and Wife Beater.
I actually took photos, so I will post them at some point. For now, you can see some that the hosts posted here.
Tonight is NaNoWriMo Eve! Ack! In the coming month, you should expect not to see too many posts here but lots of posts at our Incite a Novel blog. If you want to join the blog as a member, just let me know via email or comment.