t-day week(end)
November 28, 2005
I have no idea what I did on Tuesday, but here is the rest of my week.
- Wednesday:
- Go grocery shopping
- Go to doctor’s appointment
- Go grocery shopping again to pick up pie crusts I forgot the first time
- Drive to Bart station to go to SF to visit with Holly and help unpack some things then have dinner
- Rush home then to the airport to pick up Roopa
- Bake two pecan pies while chatting and fall asleep.
- Thursday:
- Wake up to call from younger cousin who is driving up
- Go back to sleep and wake up late
- Take Roopa to Bart
- Drop by Seppo’s parents’ to pick up cranberry-orange relish and sweet potatoes and grab a bite of sushi as well as bring some home to a sick Seppo
- Let Andrew in when he arrives,
- Go to Bart to pick up Holly
- Go shopping with Holly to pick up some greens, sald fixings, and a crudite platter
- Start gravy as Seppo works on butterflied turkey, realizing too late that it’s a really long gravy recipe
- Receive guests (Uyen, Charles, Long, Charlotte)
- Get food out a full hour later than estimated — heh
- Eat and eat and chat for hours
- Friday
- Sleep in
- Eat leftovers
- Hike around Lake Temescal with Seppo, cousin, and dog
- Dinner with Holly and Andre (tgf meet-n-greet? hahah) in the city, followed by hanging out at her house
- Saturday
- Lunch with Eugene and Andrew (older and younger cousins from different branches of the family) at Sahn Maru — Thanks, Eugene!
- Bring back take-out for sick-again Seppo
- Watch first episode of Freaks and Geeks, one of my NaNoWriMo rewards
- Work on NaNoWriMo for the first time in days
- Sunday
- Eat breakfast Seppo made
- Take Mobi to dog walk with Seppo
- Drive into city to meet with Leila and Roopa, then pick up Holly
- Enjoy tea for hours at Lovejoy Tea Room
- Hang out at Holly’s house with the girls
- Come home and finish NaNoWriMo
- Rewrite my self-review and finish a co-worker’s peer review
I think that was the gist of it.
sick »
November 29, 2005 at 10:19 am
You are right! Must correct. 😀
I had such a great time. 🙂 It was so much fun.
1. You took the Bart into SF to see me, right? 🙂
2. My Picaro writeup.
3. I feel so spoiled! I got to see you so much this weekend.
4. You had a busy busy busy weekend. 🙂