free money
No, no one else deposited money in my account. 😀 Oh wait, actually, they did. Amazon’s Associate Program earned me $15.55 last quarter. I noticed the deposit into my checking account just yesterday. Those earning are just on my Christmas purchases, really, using my general referral link and not even the direct product links, which bring a bigger return.
Also, since switching Seppo & my mutual spendings (gas, food, etc) to our Citibank Mastercard in October, we’ve already gotten back something like $115 on money we needed to spend anyway.
I’m so goddamn stupid. I spend about $2~3000 on my American Express every month due to business trips and stuff, and I *still* haven’t signed up for a rewards program. =\
Time to remedy that situation! Or get one of those cash-back cards 😀
I have a whole bunch of points on my American Express card, but thus far the best cash out I could find is 0.5%. That’s right: half of one percent. WTF? Once I figured that out, I stopped using that POS (I’m paying over $50 a year for this crap!?!). Once I cash out my points, I’ll close that thing.
What is this Amazon Associate you speak of?
You get something like 5% and up on purchases made through your associates links (or direct product links) on your website. The idea is that you are acting as an advertiser, using your website to promo a product you like/recommend, and if people use that link to purchase stuff from Amazon, then you get a kick-back.
The cool thing to do for yourself is not just tell other people about stuff you want to buy, but you can blog about purchases you are considering, then use the link to buy it when you finalize the decision, giving yourself an automatic 5+% off via the kick-back.
I also never go directly to the main Amazon page. I have this link in my Firefox Bookmarks toolbar, so I just click it to enter Amazon. Then anything I decide to buy is automatically credited to my associates account.
My influence on the internet is negligible. My purchases are sporadic, but I do not currently give anyone kickbacks. So, if I wanna give you some kickbacks, I just enter Amazon using that second link?
Yes! That is so awesome. Thank you! 😀
Hey, lookie here! An easy way to get that higher “item” based Amazon commission!
Good god! That’s a lot just from gas/food/etc purchases. Maximizing these credit card point systems is so much work: I got an Amazon credit card (1% back on all purchases, 3% back on Amazon purchases, delivered in Amazon Bux) 3 years ago and have been happy with it. But 5% back on gas + 1% back on everything else is pretty good too. Was it the best deal you found?
I use a referral link my sister set up and earn her Amazon Associate pointsesese.