packed full
This past weekend was insanely busy.
Friday night: Girls’ night at Becky’s. We ate a lot of great food (the cheeses were so very tasty) and generally hung out and made big dorks of ourselves. 🙂 It was hysterically fun. Nominally, it was supposed to be makeup night, but we never got around to that. Whatever happens at girls’ night stays in girls’ night, so I can’t say anything. Please kill me for writing that phrase. Heh.
Saturday: I drove into the city for my friend’s bridal shower. She’s getting married one week before me in Vegas then going on her honeymoon right away, so neither of us will get to attend the other’s wedding, so I really wanted to make it out to see her. I was only able to attend the brunch/bridal shower event of three (dinner and dancing was also on the agenda for the day), but it was so nice. A bunch of people came in from out of town, including her bridesmaids and sister. It brought together her various friends from different circles, yet the group was small and intimate enough that we all felt like we were finally putting faces to the names we had heard all along. We played a bunch of silly pre-wedding games and had fantastic tea at Lovejoy’s Teahouse. We wrote advice on little cards and made a scrapbook with polaroids we took with her. I also got to see a few people I had lost touch with from my old job, so that was nice too. Bonus! 🙂
We also did some grocery shopping at the Korean market, where I was able to get the info about their catering, since my mom wants to have some Korean appetizers at the reception as well. Mission accomplished.
Sunday: Seppo and I drove out to go to Nordstrom’s Rack and Men’s Wearhouse. I bought some cheap-o white shoes (I am thinking about using the shoes borrowed from Uyen anyway, since hers are so much cuter) then caught up with Seppo who was getting measured for a tux. After that, we were supposed to meet up with Becky and Uyen who were also at the same mall shopping, but our car’s battery had died. Luckily, we had jumpers with us and Uyen drove over Becky’s car and gave us a jump, while Becky ever-so-patiently waited for us where she was saving us a place at the eatery we were going to meet at, since Seppo and I had interrupted both their meals. Thanks guys!
that sounds like a really nice weekend 🙂 i love hanging out with you!