picking away
I pick at my cuticles and hangnails. In my sleep, I also pull out my hair & eyebrows, and pick at any facial blemishes I might have. I have no idea why. At work, I pick at my chapped lips. I am coming apart at the seams. Any “frayed ends” I have physically gets subconsciously picked at until bad things happen. I have a weird 3-mm wide red mark on my cheek right now from this very thing.
Anyway, I have to stop so that I stop looking like I’ve put my face (and fingers) to a grater. My “Vanilla Ice”-esque patchy left eyebrow has slowly been filling in over time.
I have some random nonsensical observation where I compare stereotypes and prejudice to probability & statistics and people’s misconceptions of how p&s works (“But that should have come up ____” *after* the fact when the outcome clearly show a non-probable but actual result), but I haven’t fleshed it out enough to really talk about it.
I got an invite to coComment which, according to them, “will enable you to efficiently track your comments comments and conversations with others across the blogosphere”. This is great! There has been a lot of buzz in the 3 days since its beta program opened up. I’m really excited about it. However, there is a bug in the system right now which is keeping it from working for me.
Well, hopefully, it will work soon and I’ll be able to watch all my comments on various blogs as “conversation” in the style of gmail. It can also be included as a part of my blog, so that others can see it. There is also an RSS feed. Neat ideas! I just want to see them executed. The product seems to work for many other people though. Hrm.
ETA: It’s working! Wonderful! If anyone wants an invite, just sign up for their “Get Notified” list and they will send you an invite pretty much within a half day.
I might try wearing gloves to sleep. I’ve been using a variety of lip balm, but I must not be using it enough. I don’t want to go overboard and start looking like I’ve been eating lard everyday for lunch though. Heh.
Google should buy coComment so that it can appear in my Gmail just like Chats do now (not that I have any chats since I can’t chat at work and when am I not at work?).
Yes, yes they should.
That would be the coolest. I just found out that it works with Flickr comments too!
Sad that it doesn’t work with Livejournal though.
Yeah, LJ’s gotta be all “different” all the time. The reason I don’t leave it is that blogger doesn’t have entry permissions, and not everything I write there is meant for an open audience. *shrug* Darn.
You know, I was really hoping the coComment thing would be able to go back and see all my previous comments to. And the need to remember to use it seems … cumbersome. Hm.
The cool thing is that now that you are a coCommenter too, I can see your stuff in my conversations. Neat!
It should have a spider that crawls blogger, flickr, etc and grabs all the old conversations! 🙂
That’s the only reason I am still with my free LJ account: it e-mails me whenever comments are added, or if someone responds to a comment I made. It’s difficult keeping up with my comments via bloglines (using “keep as new,” and checking once-so-often).
“The reason I don’t leave it is that blogger doesn’t have entry permissions, and not everything I write there is meant for an open audience. *shrug* Darn.” Oh, Flickr is the new LJ! You can filter by friends only, family only, or private! 🙂
Even though LJ is incompatible with nearly the rest of my online presence, I still love it so. Between the CFGs I can create and the fact that all responses to my comments are emailed to me, I’m hooked!
– Becky
For chapped lips: lip balm, lip balm, lip balm. I pick at chapped lips, but these days I always carry lots of lip balm so they don’t get chapped.
For eyebrows, my friend had that problem and he put Scotch tape over his thumbs so he couldn’t grab on to them.