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Why Geeks Rule

March 6, 2006   

Ok, some geeks definitely don’t rule. But I’m talking about the closet hottie, the off-the-beaten-path cutie who was never insanely popular with the ladeez (or guys).

Why do they rule so much? A couple of friends and I have discussed how our respective S.O.s, despite their obvious attractiveness and overall coolness, aren’t considered the regulation studs that everyone and their grandmas pursued relentlessly, and why it’s better that way. It’s great because usually, these guys* are just as good looking as the so-called hotties (and sometimes, even better), but because of some stupid social dynamic or an intrinsic shyness, they don’t have big heads over how awesome they are. And they don’t even know why we — the ones that can see through the stupid social blindness that seems to inflict most people — think they are so blazing hot. Which in turn generally makes them nicer because they haven’t been able to coast through life on their looks alone — not to say being incredibly good-looking makes you mean or anything like that, because that’s not true either.


There’s really no point to this post. It was just a random thought about how great it is that we think our S.O.s are awesome + hot + humble/clueless about previously mentioned awesomeness and hotness.

Note: I say “guys” because I am a straight female and so were the friends I was talking to at the time, but this applies to the women as well.

March 6, 2006 at 3:49 pm

My wife needs to start reading your blog.

March 6, 2006 at 4:32 pm

Here here! If the rest of the world can’t see it, all the more for us.

March 6, 2006 at 4:39 pm

Well… it’s kind of useless to me now, isn’t it? Heh.

March 7, 2006 at 11:54 am

Finally, someone has written a blog posting about me!


March 7, 2006 at 2:07 pm

ei-nyung: well… um, it means less girls trying to steal seppo from you!

March 7, 2006 at 9:36 pm

Ever since the first day I met Alan, I thought he was insanely hot and his wit and intelligence made him even more so. To this day, I’ll look at pictures I’ve taken on vacation or what not and think, “damn, I did good.”

March 17, 2006 at 11:48 am

You guys don’t know how it feels to be considered amazingly good looking. It’s a label I’ve had to deal with since I was very young.

So those of you who are geeks…I’M jealous.

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