I command you to live!
Incite a Novel has been revived and moved from blogspot to our regular domain. It’s only the end of July, but I’ve been kicking around a few ideas this week. So if you have any interest in participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month for those late to the party) this year — and barring that, just interested in doing some writing — head over to the site because we’ll be working on various writing exercises for the next few months.
As an example, an idea that Seppo came up with is that we’d each write a short scene unrelated to the main stories with our respective main characters having a meal with a minor character. Then after posting all our scenes, we’d take the characters that other people have introduced and write a little scene with them. This would test the original writer’s ability to get the character across, as well as the second writer’s ability to translate that into a new scene. Hopefully, it’ll also help us “find” our characters too.
Damn! You and Holly were the two people I specifically hoped to rope in this year. 🙂
Any interest in the exercises?
I think I’m going to pretend to participate.
I just wrote 71 words of my story about this guy who just goes around posting comments on other people’s blogs about how he’s going to pretend to write a story about a guy who posts comments on people’s blogs about how he’s going to pretend to write a story about a guy who writes comments on people’s blogs about how he’s going to pretend to write about a guy who post on people’s blogs …
Right now, I’m trying to figure out what part of the sequence this post is.
Right now, I’m pointing to my face, which looks roughly like this: 😐
Except, you know, rotated clockwise by 90 degrees.
I think you’d get a real kick out of it. Come on, you know you love to slack off. 😀 This will be a good excuse to be glued to your computer not doing work.
Disclaimer: With the exception of the first two days of writing in 2004 when I wrote during breaks at work, I did all my writing at home on my own time. I was joking, but I don’t want any current/future employers to think I don’t work at work. 😀
neat! i want to join you!
neat! i want to join you!
!!!! Yes! Please join me/us! It takes about 1-2 hours every day, depending on how fast you write (Seppo prob only needed 1 hour a day, I needed about 1.5 on average). I certainly have “second tier” things I do that I won’t mind turning over to novel writing.
Last year, I banished most of my websurfing and tv watching, two of my biggest time killers. In every other way, I kept my life the same, meeting the same people, going out to eat on occasion, but I’m not exactly a social butterfly, so it was easier to adjust my schedule than for most people. 🙂
I’m so excited!
I’m not even going to pretend to participate this year.