Don’t worry. No spoilers.
Casino Royale. Best. Bond. EVER. In reference to both the guy and the movie. Go see it.
Dreamgirls. Holy sheeee-it! I am excited for this movie. I ::heart:: Motown and music influenced by Motown Records. I’ve never seen a performance of Dreamgirls before, but from what I’ve heard, it’s awesome. I’d like to see the live version at some point, but I’ll be more than happy to go see the movie version. Jennifer Hudson was one of my favorite singer on her season of Americand Idol, and I hear she steals the show, which makes me excited.
Oh yeah! I just saw the trailer for The Pursuit of Happyness on Friday for the first time and I almost busted out crying too.
I have an unreasonable amount of fondness for Will Smith, especially because he was a Philly kid and because he was so good in Six Degrees of Separation.
I’m a little worried about the Beyonce factor too for the same reason, but I’m hoping it’ll be alright.
I was worried I wasn’t going to like Daniel Craig because I *love* Pierce Brosnan, but he was *so right* for this role. And that body. Wow!
Hate Beyonce. Blech.
I cant wait to see Dramgirls either. I’m a sucker for musicals and I love motown music. I just hope Beyonce doesnt kill it for me becuase I have a hard time with her acting ability but from what I hear she’s not too bad in this movie. And Jennifer Hudson supposedly blows everyone out of the water and they’re even talking about an oscar nomination for her.
I’m also excited for The Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith. Everytime I see that trailer I start crying I know I’ll be a mess at the theater.
Oh and Casino Royale was awesome. I love me some Daniel Craig. 🙂