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Christmas comes early!

December 10, 2006   

Seppo got me a sewing machine! Exactly what I wanted! 😀 I am learning sewing techniques. Right now, it’s all about the straight sewing on little pieces of cloth. I want to be able to hem my pants, since they are always too long for me.

We are so bad about early presents. Hee.

Last night, we went to see the Count Basie Orchestra at the SF Symphony. Earlier in the day, we went over to Klay & Nana’s to play a little Scattegories and try out Sushi Sam’s for the first time, before rushing like crazy people because we were worried about being late. We weren’t. 😀

They were really great. The music was beautiful, and the people clearly loved playing with each other. Melba Joyce sang a couple of songs, one of which was “What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?”. It was haunting and heartbreaking the way she sang it. Just beautiful.

Oh yeah, the symphony tickets were a present from Seppo’s parents! Thank you!

Speaking of Christmas coming early, I saw a commercial on TV the other day for a televised audition to cast the leads of a new production of Grease! I love Grease! I am so all over that. Tee hee.

December 11, 2006 at 3:03 pm

Horray for early xmas presents. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you do with it.

December 15, 2006 at 3:18 pm

“Seppo got me a sewing machine!”

Translation: Get to work!

I shouldn’t spoil it, but you should see the mop and bucket he got you.

/Buys wife cooking stuff that she wants all the time.
//Sometimes feels guilty about it.


December 15, 2006 at 3:24 pm

LOL! You are so funny. Sometimes, I feel guilty for loving very “girly” things, but I kick the crap out of that guilt and tell it to get a spine. 😉

I love cooking stuff too. Heh. Except there is nothing left for us to get. We own every cooking thing I’ve ever wanted. Now we have to get rid of some.

December 15, 2006 at 4:13 pm


Do you own a cooking thermometer with a beeper that alerts you, wherever you are, that your food is at the proper temp?

That’s one of the goofy cooking things we just got. The one recommended by Cook’s Illustrated was only like $15.
Not available on Amazon any more:

How about a bacon grill?

OXO Good Grips Can Opener?

Buy! Buy! Buy!



December 15, 2006 at 4:17 pm

We have the thermometer with the remote beeper. 😀

I don’t want a bacon grill.

We have a Good Grips can opener.

Seriously, I can’t think of a single kitchen implement/tool/utensil that I want that I don’t have yet.

Oh, I do want to get the cone shaping things to make salmon cornets. I think that’s it.

December 15, 2006 at 5:19 pm

I’m not going to allow you to define it narrowly to things you want. I mean, then a lot of of people have all they want!

No, you have to want more!

Buy the bacon grill!!1!!


December 15, 2006 at 5:23 pm

But… That’s what I originally said: “We own every cooking thing I’ve ever wanted.”

So there. Thbpbpbppptpttt. :p’

Dude, do you really have (or want?!) a bacon grill? You can tell me the truth.

December 15, 2006 at 5:52 pm

I really have the bacon grill. I’m not ashamed of it. I’m proud of it!

Why don’t you want it?

Mmmmmmm, bacon.
My original post, which I deleted, contained a lot of the goofy cooking shit that we have. But I thought it was too obnoxious even for me.


December 15, 2006 at 5:56 pm

No! I want to know about the goofy cooking shit you have.

You know I love to obsess about food/cooking. Post away.

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