Rosie O’Donnell is dead to me.
I used to watch a lot of stand-up on tv when I was young. I have seen a lot of people come and go. Strangely, all the women stand-up comics I loved have come out at some point (Ellen, Paula, Rosie). Wait, that wasn’t my point.
Anyway, Rosie, whom I’ve loved for years and years through various tv shows and life events, really crossed the line for me.
She is dead to me. Dead. Her apology sucked.
It doesn’t have the history of the n-word, but if you want to instantaneously make me want to spit bile and make me sick to my stomach, you say ching-chong in front of me. No, don’t. If you are a friend and you care for our friendship, never, ever say that in front of me.
Rage rage.
What with Michael Richards, I’m gonna run out of comedians to like. But I can turn around. I loathed Margaret Cho and her comedy for years because I felt it came from a place of self-loathing and anti-Asian propaganda, but in the recent years, with personal growth, her comedy has also changed. And now I enjoy her comedy because she is funny and can make jokes about race without being racist. Which is definitely possible.
Seriously, I love comedy. I didn’t find her “joke” to be unfunny because I have no sense of humor. I didn’t find her “joke” to be unfunny because it mentioned Asians. I found it to be unfunny because it wasn’t. Furthermore, I found it to be grossly offensive because it was. Sure, that may be subjective but I have plenty of reason to find it offensive, not because I’m a left wing PC nut (which I don’t deny being).
If Rosie wakes up and grows in the future, I guess I can see taking her back of my “dead to me” list. We’ll see. But for now, dead.
I agree. I am constantly disappointed when things like this happen because I see so many parallels between the LGBT movement and ethnic minority-positive movements. Because she’s so vocal about LGBT issues, this makes this so much worse for me.
On that note, one of the things that makes me additionally angry is that some angry people have left comments on that YouTube clip that basically amounts to, “That fat lesbo sucks!”
I don’t want people on “my side” to be ignoranuses. I wish smite them along with Rosie.
“some angry people have left comments on that YouTube clip that basically amounts to, “That fat lesbo sucks!””
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all that that sort of thing is frowned upon… you know, cause I’ve called a lot of people fat lesbos, and I tell you, people do that all the time.
And you’ll probably do it again, accidentally.
I’ll defend you in advance from other readers because I know you are parodying her apology. 😀
“you are parodying her apology.”
Close! But no cigar.
Damn it, are you parodying MR’s apology?
I can’t keep track of everyone’s apologies.
Wrong again!
This is fun!
George on Seinfeld’s apology to his boss for sleeping with the cleaning woman on his office desk.
I fully admit that I used google to find that answer. Is that cheating? Because people do that all the time.
It is cheating, and
You’re fired. I want you out of here by the end of the day.
I’ve been watching this situation unfold, feeling pretty smug that this latest outburst from Rosie reaffirms my opinion of her. I always that she was kind of a dumb loudmouth.
Sure, she was a dumb loudmouth that I was politically aligned with, but a loudmouth nevertheless.
This situation is another example of it. OTOneH, she is incredibly sensitive to GLBT issues. She will rip into anyone that says anything that she alone can interpret as derogatory to the GLBT community.
However, when she discovers that she used language very offensive to Asians (and to non-clueless people), her reaction is, “meh, no big deal. My bad.” And implicitly, she takes the position of like, “shit, who can keep up with all these oversensitive minorities. I don’t have the time. Whatever.”
I believe she didn’t know it was offensive, but her “apology” was pathetic. Richards has been begging for forgiveness. Rosie seems like she’s simply going through the motions to mollify her audience.