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January 2007

The Winner Is Me!

January 31, 2007   

Seppo and I play funny games. I’m sure every couple or even friends who have known each other for a very long time do the same. Some of our games involve the following:

  • Singing songs with made up lyrics having to do with how awesome we are.
  • Closing our eyes and trying to land our index fingers on our respective noses/chins/tongues.
  • Going through the alphabet and trying to name animals (or songs or people’s names or movies) for each letter. This game is really good when you are standing in a long line.
  • Playing the thumb game. It’s complicated to explain but easy to play and involves smacking the losers mercilessly on the wrist. This is also good for standing in lines.

We’ve got a huge set of these that we rotate through, adding new games whenever we can think of one.

Last night, I introduced a new game that I read about. I had read about this a few days ago and was biding my time for the perfect opportunity to spring it on Seppo. I wanted to do it by the book and not deviate from the pattern set out in what I had read.

Ostensibly, I lost. But Seppo and I know both know who really won and who really lost.

Basically, you challenge your opponent to try to touch your face with their tongue as lightly as they can, and whoever does it more lightly wins. I let Seppo go first. He did his best, and I swear it was as light as a snowflake.

I granted to him that it was a really good effort and that I wasn’t sure if I could beat him.

Then I leaned in and covered his face in slobber and proclaimed my utter loss.
