The Year So Far
This year has been pretty dang good. We had our most active New Year’s Day ever. We’ve gone to a new-to-us Korean restaurant, revisited a neighborhood sushi boat place and found that it’s improved quite a bit (although they still make their sushi with fish that’s waaaaaaaaaay too cold), cooked at home about four days out of each week, and packed lunch for work much more than we used to.
I’ve lost somewhere between two to four pounds already between my very slow diet and walking the dog between thirty minutes to an hour about four times a week (shorter walks on other days).
I’ve hemmed three pairs of pants! Well, one pair was hemmed on December 30, 2006, so that one doesn’t count, but I hemmed a pair of Seppo’s jeans and my black corduroy pants. It’s so awesome having pants that are the perfect length. All three pairs of pants have slightly different hems, so I am learning a bit too. I bought a bunch of patterns, but have not bought any fabric yet. I dropped by Poppy Fabric on 51st and Broadway, but I didn’t buy anything except some hemming trim (or something like that) for the inside of Seppo’s pants.
I know that sounds like I’ve put rickracks on Seppo’s pants. Heh. But I swear I haven’t.
I’ve been pretty good about calling my family in the past few months. I try to do it when I’m walking the dog in the evenings on the days I work from home (or on the weeknds), so that the timing is pretty good for talking to both my mom and sis, as well as the nieces.
I’ve been reading a bunch of new blogs and am likely to post a round-up sometime soon.
I feel a tad restless. Not sure why.
I am officially an employee of a large company now, which means I have a strangely interesting title. I looked at the descriptions for what a holder of that title is responsible for, and it sounded like something someone ten years older than me should do, so it’s a little intimidating. Or I’m intimidated by me. Not really. It’s just funny to me, I suppose.
I haven’t really felt like I have something that’s really bubbling up out of me that I want to say. I really do think squeezed it all out for NaNoWriMo and am still recovering. My mind feels blank. I hope I have something interesting to say soon, because I’m going to put myself to sleep. Snore.
Samurai Sushi Boat.
ha ha ha ha! my favorite place! i knew you’d come around.
what sushi place?