Stuff I’m Reading
Now I don’t have to blog about what I’m reading, because I can share my favorite entries from the blogs I read with the doo-hickey widget thing on my right. In Google Reader, you click “Share” on the entries you like, then you go into the list of your shared items (click on “Shared items” on top left menu), then click on “put a clip of your shared items on your site”.
It’s particularly easy if you are using the new Blogger with your blog hosted on blogspot. I had to do one extra step (edit my template) because my blog is hosted on our own server, but it was fairly straight-foward. My only regret is that I can’t control 100% of the formatting of the data that it spits out.
I went back to the last few days of reading and chose a couple of things to share, so they are out of order. In the future, the list will automatically update with items I mark for sharing, with the newest stuff on top.
Update: Damn that Colin! Here is the feed for my shared items. 🙂
Can you do this with Bloglines?
The things I do for you… Heh. I went into Bloglines for the first time in probably over a year and poked around. It’s easy to share a “blogroll” (selected blogs to list on your website) but not individual entries you think are particularly interesting.
It looks like you can “clip” the interesting entries for perusal later, but I could find no interface to share the clipped entries, which would provide the exact equivalent function.
I got you free pancakes!
IHOP leaves a lot to be desired. 😀
:laugh: The only problem is that when I’m reading your blog *in* Google Reader I can’t see the links that are generated by Google Reader. Hmmm, conundrum.
Oh wait, I can probably subscribe to the RSS feed of your favorite sites as a separate thing. Or I could run it through Yahoo Pipes and merge it with a flickr photo set geo tagged based on where you were when you made the post. Oh yeah!