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May 2007

Stuff from last week

May 21, 2007   
  • We met with another architect. I think both of us liked her better than the last person.
  • I bit an impressively large flap open on my tongue, which is healing up ok.
  • We had a giant-assed bbq and consumed a ton of vegetables and fruits from the local farmers’ market an Costco, two diametrically opposed types of produce merchants. Seppo cooked up some great ribs.
  • I sewed missing buttons onto two pairs of pants.
  • I bought 7 seed packets and have started seedlings for all of them. I decided to get the following: spring lettuce mix (yes, it’s the end of spring, but who cares :D), sweet italian basil, cilantro, garlic chive, green perilla (ao shiso), pepper (whose name I forget but look the most like the twisty, gnarly Korean peppers I enjoy), and mixed cherry tomatoes. I plan on taking daily photos to keep track of their growth.
  • We attended a neighborhood crime watch/”get to know your neighbors so you know they aren’t the criminals” meeting due to a rash of armed hold-ups in our area, most notably near the movie theater, right on the side street that provides access to the parking lot. One person that was robbed lives three houses down and across the street from us. He was robbed at gunpoint while taking out his trash at 10pm. That’s so early! Some have been robbed as early as 8pm. 😐