Balancing want and fear
I really want to get Lasik. I really don’t want to go blind either. I have to do some research and obsess for a while.
I have a co-worker who just went through this and it went well. It’s pretty commonplace now. Myself, I’m expecting to be a glasses guy, we’ll see how that looks when the time comes.
You go first!
I’m with you, I know it’s supposed to be safer now but knowing my luck I’ll be that 1 in 1000 that goes blind.
Plus I get too many compliments on my glasses, I cant give up compliments! 🙂
I have a number of friends and their husbands who just went through this. A couple of people had complications, but mostly it was all smooth.
Heh. I went through that, gosh, ten years ago now, and pulled out at that point because it was still so new. But I should take another look now that there are long-term studies in place.