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Coding-related motion sickness?!

September 11, 2007   

Could I be feeling dizzy from watching logs scroll up the screen all day and night? Whatever is causing it, please stop. 🙁

ETA: Totally figured it out. I had the compile window and the logging window both on the left side of my screen, with the right side stationary. In addition to being in front of the computer for hours on end, I’ve been doing a lot more code-compile-test cycles than usual today because I’m working with small changes, and it really is that. When I look away, I feel fine. When I look at it, the left side of my vision feels weird and my head hurts and the world feels like it’s hurtling away. Blech.


September 11, 2007 at 9:17 pm

🙁 Glad you figured it out. Both you and Roopa struck with bouts of dizziness lately. Who’s next!?

September 11, 2007 at 9:22 pm

My first thought when I got dizzy was that I was just having a psychosomatic reaction to being concerned about Roopa, combined with my slight tendency toward hypochondria. But then I almost fell of my chair! Boo. But I’m glad the world doesn’t spin anymore. At least when I look away from the screen.

Who’s next!?

You better watch out! 😀 All kidding aside, I hope not.

Angry Chad
September 12, 2007 at 7:18 am

Man, I’m dizzy too. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I’ve just spent the last five minutes spinning around in circles in my chair…

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