New member of the family
Welcome to the world, dear nephew! I can’t wait to meet you, little guy. I wish for you a happy life coupled with a positive outlook, and the desire to make the world a better place. I know, it’s a lot to wish for, but you already were blessed with great parents who love you, not to mention cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents who are all watching out for you, so it’s a good start. 🙂
I hear you are nice & chubby and cry a lot, but that’s par for the course for a newborn, eh? 🙂 Here’s to your parents’ sanity and ability to sleep in the next few years. Heh.
congrats to your big bro and his new little bit 🙂
Congrats! What name did they choose?
When I read the title, I thought it would be a post about a new dog. 🙂
Thanks, everyone!
Heh, I figured the title might be misleading, but I couldn’t think of a better title off the top of my head.
h: I will tell you the name offline. I am probably paranoid, but I don’t like the idea of putting out the kiddo’s name, combined with the b-date and miscellaneous family info I’ve dropped online over time, since identity theft would become so much easier at that point. 🙂
Congrats to your sibling!
Honestly, when I read the title, I thought you were announcing that you were pregnant.