Day 1
Honestly, I don’t think I’ll be logging my activities everyday, but heck, why the hell not try.
So, let’s see… This morning, I woke up earlier than I wanted because Mobi kept whimpering to be let out of the room. After watching some random tv, Seppo and I went to lunch with Hoa and Sean at Vik’s Chaat. Man, those lamb cholles are so damn good!
After that, we went to the Apple store so I can obsess over which Mac-produced laptop I might get through the refurb shop. Seppo figured it would be important to get my hands on them and see what the differences were.
I am a terrible decision maker as far as purchasing technology because of these two conflicting facts:
- I am really, really cheap when it comes to buying stuff for myself. I never feel right spending a bunch of money on stuff solely for me, even though I don’t mind throwing down for food or gifts for family & friends.
- I have severe tech-envy and always want the fastest, shiniest, brightest, top-of-the-line, bleeding-edge things and fully intend to keep whatever it is until they roll over and die.
Usually, because of the former fact, I rarely pull the trigger on the latter impulse.
So, I’m still mulling over things.
Seppo was/is feeling pretty sick, so I dropped him off at home and ran over to the drug store to pick up some cold meds for him. The rest of the afternoon/evening/night involved dozing on the couch, two walks with Mobi, cooking dinner, and watching a buttload of “How I Met Your Mother” Season 2 dvds.
Oh man, I almost forgot to mention that last night, Seppo and I watched the premier of The Next Great American Band. It was made of 100% awesome, braised in awesome, and finished off under a hot broiler of awesometasticness. Yeah, I know that people think I’ll watch anything on tv, especially if it’s a competition, but honestly, it was great in a way that I had not foreseen. Maybe I’ll post a video clip tomorrow.
Wow, boring entry. Everything that happened after having lunch with the always funny/awesome H/S combo was pretty boring. This is how I’ll look back on my life. 😀 Well, at least I’ll know I was being honest about my day. You couldn’t make up more boring stuff.
And it’s so perfect and exactly what I wanted for my vacation.
And it’s so perfect and exactly what I wanted for my vacation.