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November 2007

Day 19

November 7, 2007   

Oh shoot! What have I been doing? I have no idea. I mean, I literally can’t remember what I did, say, last week. This is why I usually like keeping a blog, because it freaks me out when days pass and I can’t account for large periods of my time. It’s creepy, yo.

November 1st, I kicked off a “Get Healthy/Lose Weight/Eat Better” regiment. I also kicked off NaNoWriMo. The health thing has been going pretty well: cardio 4 days a week, attempt feeble strength training, and walk longer & further with Mobi; record my weight and calorie consumption daily so I know what nutrients I am missing & curtail excessive eating of nutritionally vacant things, eat 5 or more servings of fruits/vegetables a day, swap some of my red meats for legumes and poultry, and make sure I’m on track for my end-of-year goals.

NaNoWriMo is going slowly this year, but I vow to catch up. I think because I didn’t publicly commit to it this year, I haven’t felt very dedicated. I started with literally nothing on the first, so I don’t even have a plot idea or characters that I specifically set out to develop. I have a couple now, but I am not sure where I want them to end up. It is shaping up to be a Young Adult (ages 11-16?) novel with some paranormal elements. The main character is (again) a Korean-American girl (high school freshman) who is visited by a spirit of her ancestor and given a supernatural power. Yeah, I’ve been watching Heroes. :p Anyway, I hope to weave some of the old school Korean myths and legends and storytelling style into the ancestor’s spirit’s dialog & background. I am currently behind, but I plan to catch up, stat.

Lindsi and I had some hijinks on Halloween, involving an earthquake, a delay train, a sleepover, ice cream run, and our complete failure to give out candy to neighborhood kids.

Yesterday, we had A&B and our housemate J over for shabu shabu and clementines. We should really have people over for dinner more often, because it was such a great evening of good conversation with great friends.

Roopa is coming into town today! How exciting! And we may get to see Stephen for dinner tomorrow. Nice!

I feel like all I think about is food nowadays, with so much time off. I am going to have to make a food blog entry of all the foods I’ve cooked while on vacation.