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July 29, 2008   

My little brother visited from 6/24 to 7/24. I miss him already! He was a good commuter companion, intern, and sous-chef.

Work is kicking my butt. But hopefully, things are getting to a good, stable point.

Little D is growing big! Very exciting to see his changes from week to week.

Seppo and I are going to visit Atlanta at the end of August, for my brother’s family celebration. My brother is meeting his in-laws for the first time and baby Ryan is turning 1, so they combined the events into a big to-do, with a catered venue and everything.

I want to go back to Tulum.

Oh, and I got a short haircut. And an iPhone for my b-day, from a couple of friends & Seppo. It is awesome! The haircut is just ok. They gave me a braid of hair to donate to Locks of Love, which I had better get on right away, before I forget.

I don’t think I have anything else to report.


July 30, 2008 at 5:39 am

OMG, can’t wait to see the short ‘do! And glad you love the iPhone. 🙂

July 30, 2008 at 12:09 pm

I went to 17 Jewels Salon & Spa for the haircut after you liked it so much. I really liked Kelly, and she did her best with the haircut I wanted, but I think my hair is too tufty and coarse for the style, so it looks a bit weird. But I really liked her & the salon, so I am going back in 6 weeks. 🙂

July 30, 2008 at 3:37 pm

Atlanta! That place is a stinkhole. Come back to the Island!


July 31, 2008 at 7:30 pm

kerowack! We were going to go to Long Island just before Christmas, but the Helavas are coming to visit us (and Mobi) out here instead.

I really need a good NY pizza. Mmmm…

Did Seppo talk to you about Whistle? Run to your library and give it a read! It’s awesome.

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