Another Seppo Update
Seppo’s account of the ordeal and his update from Wednesday.
Basically, he is getting MUCH better. Vision is not 100% yet, but it’s unclear how much is due to the cornea edema & abrasion (or do I mean “or”? are they the same? I don’t know) which is clearing up and how much is the imperfect vision correction that the “bandage” contacts are providing.
There is a huge decrease in pain, which is a huge relief. And while he’s still light-sensitive, he can hang out in the livingroom ok. Go drop him a little note of encouragement. 🙂
Hi Cph Ninja,
I think we both knew that in the back of our heads, but Nordicasian just doesn’t have as good a flow. 😉 But we’ll be mindful. Thanks.
Hi Ei-nyung,
I’m a Danish Korean adoptee who read your comment over at Kimchi Mamas. Just for your info Finland is not a Scandinavian country. Only Denmark, Norway and Sweden are since we share the same culture and language, whereas Finnish is a whole other language. We do however call the 4 above mentioned countries for Nordic countries.
Kind regards from
Cph Ninja